Breaking Down Southern Baptist Rhetoric Against Same-Sex Marriage
While Southern Baptists have been vocally repenting of their
support for slavery and Jim Crow since 1995, they have done virtually nothing
to actually make amends. One of their own members, an African American pastor, noted that
if the SBC was serious they would champion policies that would actually make a
difference, such as criminal justice reform, education reform, and the
alleviation of child poverty (and we could add others like immigration reform
and confronting voter suppression laws).
So, did Southern Baptists make any attempt to bring forth fruits
worthy of repentance when they met in Columbus for their annual meeting (the
hate killing of the Emanuel Nine took place after their convention)? Oh no, it
was oppositional energy that fueled the fire, not a vision for the common good.
Instead they passed a resolution against
same-sex marriage asserting that traditional marriage is the clear teaching of
Scripture. In a
statement supporting the resolution issued by current SBC President
Ronnie Floyd and signed by 16 past presidents they affirmed, among other
What the Bible says about marriage is clear, definitive, and
unchanging. We affirm biblical, traditional, natural marriage as the uniting of
one man and one woman in covenant for a lifetime. The Scriptures’ teaching on
marriage is not negotiable.
Ronnie Floyd, addressing the Convention said,
Our first commitment is to God and his word – nothing else and
no one else. And I want to remind everyone today, humbly, the Supreme Court of
the United States is not the final authority, nor is the culture itself,
but the Bible is God’s final authority about marriage, and on this book
we stand. [emphasis mine]
In Southern Baptist rhetoric the Bible always trumps Jesus’ life
and teachings in the Gospels when it comes to same-sex marriage. The
reason is obvious: Jesus says absolutely nothing about same sex relations or
marriage. Jesus’ one specific reference to marriage is a quote of Genesis
2:24, not for the purpose of affirming some clear, incontrovertible,
traditional law of marriage, but for the
purpose of prohibiting divorce (Mark
10:2-9). (Why Jesus prohibited divorce is subject to various
interpretations. In the Jewish world of Jesus’ day Jewish men could divorce
their wives for any reason whatsoever, but Jewish women could not divorce their
husbands. I suspect Jesus was trying to level the playing field.)
There was no clear, definitive, unchanging law with respect to
marriage in the Jewish biblical world. This is where Southern Baptist rhetoric
is not only disingenuous but dishonest. Fox News pundit Cal
Thomas recently made
the same mistake. He argued that if the Supreme Court ruled in favor of
same-sex marriage they would be going against scripture by making possible the
legalization of polygamy and adult-child marriage. It’s a convoluted argument,
I know, but my point here is that he assumes that the traditional marriage of
one man and one woman is the clear biblical pattern.
What’s dishonest about this? It is clearly not the
biblical pattern. Polygamy was practiced throughout the biblical world
without a single Bible verse condemning the practice. Abraham, Moses, David,
and all the great biblical heroes of the faith were polygamists. In fact,
Genesis 2:24 was never understood in Israel as excluding polygamy. They
believed that through the act of sexual intercourse a man could become “one
flesh” with more than one woman.
In the patriarchal, biblical world marriages were often arranged
and women whom we would consider still children or youth were wed to older men.
Women were often given an economic value as one would assign to a commodity in
the marketplace. The oppressive nature of biblical marriage is reflected in the
fact that a man could not commit adultery against his own wife; he could only
commit adultery against another man by sexually using the other’s wife.
According to biblical law a woman was to be stoned to death if she was not
found to be a virgin before her marriage (Deut.
22:13-21). There was no such law for men. Even New Testament instructions
to husbands and wives commonly assume a patriarchal worldview (see Eph.
5:21-33; Col.
3:18-19; 1
Peter 1:3-4).
So do we really want biblical marriage? And where is the clear,
unchanging, consistent biblical ethic on marriage?
In the statement signed by the former SBC presidents they say, “We
stake our lives upon the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus.” This
is the only reference to Jesus in the statement. If they truly claimed the life
and testimony of Jesus then, I have no doubt, they would accept and affirm
same-sex marriage. For while Jesus said nothing at all regarding same-sex
relations or marriage, in story after story in the Gospels, Jesus crossed
boundaries, tore down walls, overstepped social mores, and challenged
scriptures, traditions, and customs that separated and segregated people into
acceptable and unacceptable categories. He did this as a son of Abba and
for the cause of God’s kingdom (God’s will and way) in the world.
The SBC rhetoric goes downhill from here. When the 2015 SBC
Convention convened the Supreme Court had yet to make their landmark decision
legalizing marriage in all 50 states, but SBC leaders seemed to anticipate that
a decision favorable to same-sex marriage was coming. Ronnie Floyd called this
“a Bonhoeffer moment for every pastor in the United States.” How crazy is that?
Bonhoeffer was the German pastor who opposed Hitler by forming
the Confessing Church. Bonhoeffer paid the ultimate price for his opposition
with his life. Quoting Bonhoeffer Floyd proclaimed, “Silence in the
face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to
speak, and not to act is to act.”
I suspect that many progressive Christians like myself would
call the SBC’s treatment of our LGBT sisters and brothers “evil,” but we surely
wouldn’t use Bonhoeffer as our example. I have encountered some opposition from
my conservative Christian sisters and brothers, especially Southern Baptists,
because of my public support for same-sex marriage and LGBT inclusion in my
conservative Bible belt town, but I am not persecuted. And neither are
my SBC sisters and brothers. For Floyd to draw upon Bonhoeffer here is
not only a real stretch, it is a disservice and dishonor to
Bonhoeffer’s good name. Now that same-sex marriage is the law of the
land I’m sure we can expect from the religious right another bombardment of
extreme rhetoric about religious persecution.
Of course, no federal, state, or local government agency is
going to make SBC ministers perform same-sex weddings. Same-sex couples will
ask who they want to ask, and if by chance a Southern Baptist minister is ever
asked, he (it surely wouldn’t be a she) can politely (or not so politely) say
“No.” But think about it. What same-sex couple would ever ask a SBC minister to
perform their wedding?
Now that same-sex marriage is legal, we can expect SBC leaders
to raise their rhetorical thunderings to a new pitch. Some of it will be of the
looney tunes variety, which would be amusing if not so sad.
(This article was first published at the Unfundamentalist Christians blog)
(This article was first published at the Unfundamentalist Christians blog)
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