Nurturing an Attitude of Gratitude

Our capacity to be thankful is greatly influenced by how we “see.” The great challenge for all of us (though for some it is greater): Can we “see” beyond and through the chaotic circumstances that threaten to envelop us? Can we find some stability in God’s mercy and love, even when all hell breaks loose? Can we discover the underlying thread of God’s grace and presence beneath the rough, jagged texture of suffering and hardship?

One thing that helps is to remember that whatever tragedy or tumult we experience, God’s attitude toward us is one of acceptance and love. Even when God is upset with us, God loves us and will never banish us from her presence.

To Catch an Angel, by Robert Russell, is the autobiography of a young blind man who lived alone on an island in the middle of a river. He went rowing on the river almost everyday by means of a fairly simple system. To the end of the dock, he attached a bell with a timer set to ring every thirty seconds. In this way he was able to row up and down the river, and every thirty seconds judge his distance by the sound of the bell. When he’d had enough, he found his way home by means of the bell. In the young man’s words, “The river lies before me, a constant invitation, a constant challenge, and my bell is the thread of sound along which I return to a quiet base.”

Life is like a continually flowing river. God calls us to venture out on it where there is frequent danger and challenge. Unexpected storms arise. Our security, however, rests in God’s unconditional love, which enables us to find our way back home.

We can find reasons for being either grateful or bitter. We have to determine the attitude that will permeate our spirit. The late Henry Nouwen spent the last years of his life working with developmentally disabled adults who had every reason to be bitter. They experience loneliness, rejection from family members, the unfulfilled desire to have a partner in life, and the constant frustration of needing assistance. And yet, observed Nouwen, most do not choose to be bitter, but grateful for the many small gifts of their lives—an invitation to dinner, a birthday celebration, a few days of retreat, and most of all, for their daily community with people who offer friendship and support. The more we decide to be grateful, the easier it becomes to live a grateful life.

Even when our problems are unsolvable and mountains unclimbable, God is with us. As we cultivate an attitude of gratitude for God’s sustaining grace amid all the tensions and pressures of life, and as we learn to live through our disappointments and let go of our frustrations, then we will become more aware and alive, more whole and complete—more fully human. Our hard places may become “thin places” where we can catch a glimpse of God’s glory and grace.

The preceding reflections were adapted from the first chapter of my book, Shimmers of Light: Spiritual Reflections for the Christmas Season. It is just off the press and available on line at Click on picture to order.


  1. Surfing the web, I found your site and your entry on gratitude. Thanks for helping me get in touch with the gratitude I know I have, but often lose sight of. Today, your words are the bell at the end of my dock.

    My thanks,


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