Prayer is about giving not getting (A sermon from Luke 11:1-13)
In Flannery O’Conner’s short story called The Turkey , a little boy named Ruller has a poor self-image because nothing seems to turn in his favor. At night he overhears his parents talking about him rather negatively about how unusual he is. One day he is walking through the woods and happens upon a wild turkey that had been wounded. He starts after it thinking, “if only I can catch it and go home with that turkey slung over my shoulder they will say, “Look at Ruller with that wild turkey! Ruller, where did you get that turkey?” And he imagines saying, “Oh, I caught it in the woods. Maybe you would like me to catch you one sometime.” But then a thought flashes through his mind, “God will probably make me chase that damn turkey all afternoon for nothing.” He feels like it is wrong to think that way about God, and yet he can’t help it. Ruller finally catches the turkey and starts to think that maybe it’s a sign of God’s cha...